David Cameron says his vision for public services is an important part of his Big Society agenda
"David Cameron has promised to....end the state's monopoly over the public sector......the prime minister described his vision of "open public services"....and promised to release public services from the "grip of state control.....Mr Cameron added the initiative was was an important part of his Big Society agenda....The prime minister said he wanted an automatic right for private sector bodies to bid for public work, decision-making power to be given back to professionals, and people to have more control over the budget for the service they receive.... public services should be open to a range of providers competing to offer a better service.... there are some areas - like national security services or the judiciary - where this wouldn't make sense. But everywhere else should be open to real diversity....Cameron....insisted the state still had a crucial role to play in ensuring fair funding and access.The government hopes the plan will reduce bureaucracy, improve quality and save money....."Let's interpret the PM's words.....
"an automatic right for private sector bodies to bid for public work"
= straightforward privatisation.
If any big international business can undercut the current provider, they can take the contract. And how would the undercut? By paying less and having fewer rights for the workers (that'd be the workers recently sacked from the local authority who were previously doing the work...). That's what happened in the '80s and that's what would happen again if this "plan" is ever put into action.
"...public services should be open to a range of providers competing to offer a better service...."
= cost cutting and quality reduction.
Contracting out has always, in the past, led to cheapest contracts being accepted and standards of quality falling. Think about it: we never had MRSA in our hospital wards until the Tories insisted in contracting out cleaning services. In recent years we have spent millions and had "cleaning task forces" and "emergency cleaning teams" in our hospitals to attempt to put that situation (which should never have been allowed to happen in the first place) right.
"there are some areas - like national security services or the judiciary - where this wouldn't make sense."
= the police and the judges are generally Conservative, but don't worry lads, we'll protect your jobs.
There are actually lots of other services (see hopitals above) where it doesn't make sense either, but we have to keep the police and the justice system onside (ref. Miners Strike 1984) in case the oiks get uppity.
"Cameron....insisted the state still had a crucial role to play in ensuring fair funding and access."
= we, you and me, the mugs, still pay....
You continue to pay, it's just that you no longer have any real democratic control over service delivery...
"reduce bureaucracy, improve quality and save money....."
= cut jobs, cut quality, cut taxes for those still able to pay them...
So the Big Society isn't really Bull Shit. Dave wasn't being vague because he wasn't clear about his own ideas, he was being evasive, because he knew fine well the real implications of the Big Society (BS). This version of the BS is revealed as a return to Thatcherite privatisation, job cutting, the run down of services and the weakening of local democracy.
It's a Thatcherite dream and it's coming to a school or a hospital or care home near you. Let's hope it's not the one your kids go to or your elderly relatives are in....
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