Wednesday 27 October 2010

When the arse of Theory meets the Guard Dog of Reality....

One little commented effect of the CSR is that it will be local councils, not the Torydem Government, that will have to implement many of the service and financial cuts implied in George Osborne's savage budgets.

Barnett Council was supposed to be the vanguard council for the Tory approach to this... Based on the "Easyjet" approach the "Easycouncil" confidently predicted "Easycuts".

But, as in many cases when the arse of theory meets the guard dog of reality, reality bites back, leaving the theory and the theorist badly frayed and bitten...
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It's no surprise that Barnet Council has admitted that it is actually costing more to arrange the "easycuts" than they can save....

I have to say, "I could have told you so....". Anyone with any experience of cutting budgets, whether in the private or public sector, would know that it easy to plan and promise savings, but it's much more difficult to deliver...

1 comment:

  1. A great deal of what was announced, I suspect, will never come to fruition.

    It was an exercise is keeping the right wing of the Tory party, and the financial markets (you know, the masters of the universe who got us in to this mess), happy.

    Much of what has been proposed, at least in my own area of slight expertise, is totally unworkable, and will never happen.

    It was cobbled together in next to no time, probably with warnings from the Civil Service that it was impossible, but inside knowledge from Osborne that it would never even be put to the test.

    The daft councils are the ones who will be left looking particularly stupid as they haven't been let in on the marquerade.
